Colette Davenport

Spiritual Advisor for ​Accomplished Individuals ​Seeking Fulfillment

Hello and welcome to my world of

soul-centered contentment.

I’m glad you’re here.

I’m not sure what guided you here, maybe you read an article I’ve ​written or one of my interviews intrigued you. Maybe we connected ​socially online or in real life.

Or perhaps, if you’re like many of my clients, you’ve been searching ​for a deeply satisfying way to be authentically happy in a life that can ​sometimes seem out of control.

Either way, you followed your inner guidance, and here we are.

Holidays, tourist relaxing in luxury beach hotel near luxurious swimming pool.

Let me address your first question - what can I do for you?

As a metaphysicist, a philosopher who specializes in the very nature of Being, I introduce a spiritual ​framework that presents possibilities beyond the limits of conventional thinking and problem ​solving.

My clients experience a mystical awakening without religion or psychedelics and are able to ​reimagine and restructure their lives from a higher perspective. This leads to confidence that is ​not circumstantial, clarity that inspires calm enthusiasm for what’s to come, and contentment that ​money can’t buy, all rooted in a sense of who you truly are.

So to answer the question—if you want to stop feeling ungrounded and unhappy, even though you ​appear to have it all, and start experiencing an authentic joy for life, I can guide you.

What qualifies me to be your guide?

I realize you’ve been seeking for a while and you’ve invested a lot to get ​the result you’re still looking for so you’re probably quite skeptical, and ​rightly so.

My background as an intimacy coach helping high profile individuals ​understand themselves and open fully to love revealed a unique pathway ​to the source of happiness.

This discovery led to more than a decade of investigation, assessment, ​and assimilation that has become The Intimate Way, a scientific process ​that integrates metaphysical principles to help successful individuals ​find soul-level contentment. Combining an intriguing blend of expert ​coaching and mystical experiences, I guide you to restore or reimagine ​your most intimate relationship - the one with yourself.

So how did a former call girl start ​guiding accomplished individ​uals down a spiri​tual path?

My story...

I grew up in a strict household where academics and athletics were not ​just respected, but required. And while excellence was nurtured, it is ​also in my nature to dive into the depths - to understand, to assimilate, ​and to demonstrate - that which I am most fascinated by.

So when I graduated Valedictorian with a full scholarship to the ​University of Texas at San Antonio, no one could’ve imagined that ​within 6 months I’d drop out of college and start working as a call girl.

But as a nineteen year old driven by curiosity, and a fair amount of ​rebellion, I didn’t want to learn from boring teachers and books ​anymore. I wanted to learn from first hand experience about myself and ​the world around me.

Maybe because I had been such a “good girl” my whole life, I was ​attracted to some of the more questionable people and risqué ​adventures. And in true Colette form, I dove all the way in - into the 90’s ​party scene in San Antonio and Austin, TX.

Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-Roll.

But even in those circles, people would turn to me in confidence, ​sharing their fears, their deepest desires, their hopes for a different life. ​Because I genuinely wanted to understand them, I knew how to ask the ​right questions.

I’ll never forget one night at a concert at Southpark Meadows, hanging ​out backstage, one of the musicians (who will remain anonymous) said, ​“I have no idea who you are but I feel like you know me. I don’t know ​whether to run away from you or kiss you.”

Want to guess what he decided?

That relationship, and that lifestyle, lasted a few years but I eventually learned that we - the life-of-the-party girls, the high-profile artists, the low-life dealers, the boring teachers, the strict parents - all of us…were just searching for happiness.

And we all touched that happiness, momentarily, in various ways. The thrill of being adored. The pride of a professional accomplishment. The satisfaction of a sexual climax. The high from a hit of ecstasy. The hope for a life of contentment. But these were all temporary and I wanted to know what deep, soul-level fulfillment felt like.

My journey into the depths of spirituality was born from the delights of pure sin.

Over the next two decades, layer after layer, the understanding of happiness unfolded. I explored everything from Tantric philosophy to Christian Mysticism. I got certified as a yoga teacher, Reiki master, massage therapist, and holistic health coach. I focused my attention on helping individuals and couples heal their relationship with intimacy.

As my interest in professional and personal development grew, I became a well-known leader in the coaching industry. I have been a keynote speaker at conferences, authored a best-selling book on emotional intelligence, and coached prominent figures to achieve soul-centered contentment.

There is yet another level to explore. My investigation into the depths of human nature and happiness led me back into the academic world to pursue a PhD in Metaphysical Sciences. I now have both a Bachelor’s degree and Minister’s designation and I am writing my Master’s thesis comparing the “physical” and “spiritual” paradigms we live by. How’s that for full circle?

Winking Face. Eye wink emoji, funny yellow emoticon with smile.

Where most approaches fall short...

Conventional coaching programs, traditional therapies, and orthodox ​religious practices can provide valuable support, but they often fall ​short when it comes to delivering lasting clarity, confidence, and ​contentment.

These approaches can sometimes feel formulaic, focused on “fixing ​what’s wrong with you” and fail to recognize who you essentially are.

They are often adherents to the “physical framework” that insists you ​and your happiness are inherently separate from one another, and that ​you must work to overcome this insurmountable hurdle.

The truth is, no matter how much success, adoration, or meditation you ​do, you cannot be content within the physical framework.

Sunset Panoramic view over Oia village in Santorini Greece, luxury travel vacation,

A unique approach to contentment...

You are probably familiar with the two paths to happiness, one being physical, the other spiritual. ​But if you’ve traveled the physical path long enough, you know you never truly arrive at the ​destination you’re aiming for. Why?

Because few realize that happiness is our essential nature. Happiness could be described as “the ​absence of agitation”. You might think of it as peace or contentment. It’s what remains when fear, ​worry, doubt, desire, and longing comes to an end.

You’re looking for yourself in all the wrong places.

This doesn’t mean you have to get rid of all your stuff and live an ascetic life alone in the jungle. It ​just means you need someone to guide you inward, beyond the noise of your mind to your true ​self, to your peaceful soul.

It’s from this inner peace that spontaneous joy arises. It’s from this center-point that happiness ​permeates your daily life.

The problem is, it’s incredibly challenging for highly intelligent, highly accomplished individuals ​to “be still and know” this place of peace within.

Good thing I’ve simplified it so you can reliably sink into the stillness whenever you desire.


The Intimate Way


Gain the Confidence and the ​Contentment Money Can’t Buy

My Method


We start with a diagnostic call to ​unearth your Soul Wound. ​Understanding this one thing will ​unlock all new levels of clarity.

Next, we utilize my signature 4-step ​process for self-realization. This ​profound revelation will soothe your ​soul, releasing decades of self-denial, ​and allow you to finally be happy. ​Because this is a personalized ​practice, you can use it to “tun​e in” ​whenever you need.


Alright, now that you understand ​your Soul Wound and you know ​how to go from angry, bitter or b​ored to happy in about an h​our, we implement the coaching pro​cess to reach your object​i​ves.

In addition to our calls, I craf​t tools specifically for you to assimila​te your growth. Each week we will​ assess your progress, address​ing any hurdles that arise, while cele​brating your s​uccess.


The work is not linear. As you ​assimilate this advanced spiritual ​framework, you will be ​demonstrating your confidence, ​happiness, and contentment in new ​ways.

No longer are you limited by the ​physical forms of happiness. And ​yet, you have more incredible people ​and enjoyable things in your life ​than before. Welcome to the ​wonderful paradox of spiritual ​living!

Who are my accomplished clients?

They’re just like you. While having things in order and enjoying the finer things in life, they can’t ​seem to find contentment. Sound familiar?

  • Maybe you’re trying a bunch of things but don’t know what you want anymore.

  • Maybe you suffered a great loss and you’re trying to find your way back to happy.

  • Maybe you have a deep fear of being alone even though there’s people around you.

  • Maybe there’s something or someone you can’t shake, and you really need to break free.

  • Maybe everything looks great but secretly you’re anxious that it’s all going to implode.

  • Maybe the spiritual path you’ve been on seems endless and you’re wondering, “What’s the ​point?”

  • OR maybe you aren’t carrying a burden right now. You just crave a confidant, someone who is ​genuinely curious, who has been in the shadowy depths but awakened through metaphysics ​and mysticism, and will walk beside you on your journey.

What can you expect when we ​work together?

In a word, fulfillment.

I realize that’s a bold statement. But because I stand by my method and, more importantly, ​because I only work with individuals who are ready for an advanced spiritual understanding - ​fulfillment is what you can expect when we agree to work together.

I provide the new framework, the coaching, the tools, the support, and nearly 50 years of first hand ​experience to help you achieve soul-level fulfillment.

You promise to show up fully for yourself, your highest expression and deepest contentment.

We agree we’re both choosing to go on this journey together and that we are committed to living a ​life of confidence and contentment, deeply rooted in who we truly are.


Imagine this...

After years of chasing success and acquiring the finer things in life, you find yourself still yearning ​for something more. Despite the prestige, you remain unfulfilled.

Because you decided to look deeper, you’re guided here. After an illuminating consultation, you ​embark on a journey of spiritual self-realization. You begin to appreciate the simple, yet profound ​moments – the warm golden glow of a sunset, belly laughing with your kids, and the glorious ​peace of a quiet morning.

In these moments, you recognize the newfound happiness that no other person or material ​possession could ever provide. You smile because you know this serene and lasting fulfillment is ​what brings genuine joy into your life.

This true contentment comes from within.

You still enjoy the finer things, but now, they serve as a backdrop to a life truly lived. You savor ​the rich and complex flavors of your meals. You relish the comfort of your beautiful home. Yet, the ​difference now is that these luxuries are enjoyed with a deeper sense of gratitude and presence.

You profoundly appreciate the privilege you have to enhance your well-being, your sense of ​purpose, and you delight in sharing your blessings with others, without fear of loss or exploitation.

If this inspires you, I look forward to connecting...

Sincerely, Colette


As a result of the program, what has changed in your life?

I have been able to improve my relationships (intimate, ​friendship, and professional) with a new understanding of ​empathy. By learning to trust myself I've been able to open up to ​others and be more vulnerable, that has led to far more healthy ​relationships focused on honesty and genuine love.

More tangibly speaking, I have been able to manifest the perfect ​job, pull myself out of crippling debt, and focus on goals that are ​inline with my core values and passions.

Jessica VanNess, Founder, Process.Ceramics

As a result of The Intimate Way, how has your leadership ​improved?

My friends and co-workers all noticed a difference, and could see ​that I was doing work on myself. I heard many times, “you are ​more balanced, more chill, softer”. I didn't realize how tight I was ​wound and all the wounds I was holding onto instead of letting ​go.

What are you most appreciative about TIW?

That Colette was the one to lead me through this process, she ​was a coach and a friend. The voice on my shoulder who still ​appears when things are difficult or when I doubt. It's an ​invaluable process.

Jenné Myers, Principal, The Golden Connect

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